Sitemap - 2021 - Data & Design by Kai Wong

How you can use “seeing is believing” to challenge poor requirements

How putting minimal effort into tagging can extend the life of your UX research

Should you fix a design error in the middle of user testing?

Replace your complex bar chart with a dot plot to make it better understood

How collecting metadata can yield better research insights

What a quantitative user study that nearly failed taught me about metrics

How to use guerrilla research to guide your project discovery phase

The power of the little (red) dot: encouraging users to explore further

You might be using the wrong wording when talking about user findings

Be kind to future designers with annotations

Are you creating usability reports no one’s reading? Consider rainbow spreadsheets instead

The 4 questions to ask yourself before creating an interactive visualization

To moderate user research debriefs effectively, understand who your notetakers are

How to avoid being intimidated by quantitative UX metrics

How stakeholders should fit into user testing sessions

The user research technique that can help you in a time crunch

Get better at using color palettes with choropleth maps

How to clean quantitative user data — a visual guide

How to get the most out of an interview with a subject matter expert

Understanding Cognition

Understanding pre-attentive attributions and perception

Hands-on Visualization practice #8

Is the business process not capturing what users do? Create a UX flowchart

The tragedy of pie charts

What makes a good visualization?

How to outline stories

Why stories matter

Want to get better at using color? Try a scatter plot

The questions to ask to avoid being misled by line charts

Why journalists?

Understanding Journalism: the other half of Data Visualization

Hands-on Visualization practice #6

How user empathy can make even bar charts more insightful

How a simple design decision can result in hours of data wrangling

Using visualizations to explore a dataset

Using treemaps to understand hierarchical data

The need for structured data

The most common mistake designers make when adjusting their bar charts

Visualization and building a data model

A simple static visualization can often be the best approach

Hands-on Data Visualization practice #4

Turning your user research into a 1-page sketch

Understanding metrics of interest

The most common mistake designers make when adjusting their bar charts What to do if your values don’t fit?

Hands-on Data Visualization practice #3

Don't fear data: the need for quantitative metrics

Hands-on Visualization practice: #MakeoverMonday week 2

Revising a bad data visualization

Hands-on Data Visualization practice week 1

Starting with Data Science

How would I recommend people learn Data Visualization?

First of all, what is Data Visualization?

Combining the best aspects of UX, Data Science, and Data Visualization