Sitemap - 2022 - Data & Design by Kai Wong

The three most important lessons I’ve learned as a UX Designer in 2022

Creative pursuits will not die because Silicon Valley has created a cool new AI

How to endure being a UX Designer or Researcher during rough times

Why are we not thinking of Data Visualization as a design pattern?

My daily design process has changed— yours should too

Time management is an essential skill Designers need to learn

Designing something complex? Use smart defaults

How to practice synthesis, the most important User research skill for any UX Researcher or Designer

People don’t always fully understand UX. Here’s how to address that.

Integrating accessibility into your designs is easier than you think

Mobile onboarding looks nice, but it’s often a bandaid for poor UX

Don’t have time to create formal personas? Build rough ones and iterate

Intimidated by Google Analytics? Just learn the shape of the graph

Wizards may be an ancient design pattern, but they still have some uses

Three questions to ask when designing statuses beyond the happy path

Learning to measure UX writing allows you to create better designs

Design debt is often a hidden killer of consistency. Here’s how to resolve it.

Understand a user’s happy path to create a great overview page

Don't fear metrics: they offer amazing benefits if you can tolerate them

Should you use pagination or infinite scrolling? Your edge cases can help you decide

Competitive research is a powerful tool if you understand the risks

How to better familiarize yourself with projects when starting a redesign

Here are three techniques to help you justify your use of white space

How a record from the 1960s can teach us the right way to re-use design assets

How to address some of the most common development issues around design

If your user research feels incomplete, try talking with your customer support team

3 design patterns for navigation that are better than hamburger menus

Home pages are vulnerable to content mistakes: here’s how design can help

How to start designing when you can't understand the words being used

Create ‘design blueprints’ to make sure your redesign is effective

How to design better cards

Using responsive design? Re-visit user research questions for better results

Most users are intermediate users. Here’s how you can support them

How I landed a senior designer role after two weeks during a recession

Learning to design “About Us” pages can teach you how to establish trust and credibility

The last fifteen seconds of an interview are sometimes the most insightful

Three questions to help you design better community pages

How to get started with UX writing when your project really needs it

Trying to recruit specialized users? Focus on finding one person first

Three ways that UX designers can gain insight from the Marketing team

Designing “above the fold”? Try the reciprocity principle

Three competitive analysis questions to help jumpstart your understanding of a new field

To make authentic personas, consider how your user is feeling

Think beyond the happy path to make sure your user’s needs are addressed

7 tips to help you uncover the "Why" of your project more easily

Use sketch copy instead of lorem ipsum to save yourself some headaches

How thinking about hierarchical grids helps you take a content-first approach to design

How user story mapping helps teams stop relying on old designs

To create an excellent design system, treat it like a collaborative process

Three questions to ask yourself if you’re facing a mid-career design crisis

To improve legacy systems, sometimes you need to take a restoration mindset

Make sure your own project will have stellar UX before helping others

Match the visual fidelity of your design to your progress addressing the UX

To design great internal apps, you probably need to do more user research

How to deal with your design getting harshly rejected

How user stories can help make design documentation easier

How to test for navigation flaws if you have limited UX resources

How making UX more visible can save you a whole lot of effort

How offering a helping hand can help create UX advocates